中文名:华特·兰茨 外文名:Walter Lantz Walter Benjamin Lantz 别 名:沃特·蓝兹、华特·兰兹 出生地:美国纽约新罗谢尔市 出生日期:1899年4月27日 逝世日期:1994年3月22日 职 业:制片人、导演、编剧、配音演员、漫画家 代表作品:啄木鸟伍迪、乔治·帕尔的奇幻电影世界、The Genie with the Light Touch
沃特·蓝兹出生轿体照于纽约新罗谢尔市,父母是在纽约的意大利移民,父亲弗朗西斯科·保煮射踏酷罗·兰兹(Francesco Paolo Lantz,原姓兰扎)和出生卡利特里的母亲玛丽亚·杰尔瓦西(Maria Gervasi)。根据乔·亚当森(Joe Adamson)桨邀的传记《The Walte茅和希r Lantz Story》,移民官员出于使其英语化给予兰兹的父亲新的姓氏。而当时的沃特·蓝兹总是对艺术感兴趣,在十二岁就完成一门邮购绘画班。他第一次看动画看的是温莎·页危耻迈克(Winsor 充灶McCay)的动画短片《恐龙葛蒂》。当他还是一个汽车修理工时获得了第一个巩说棕机遇,一个叫弗莱德卡夫卡的富盼篮嘱有的客户对他在车库公告板上的画感兴趣并资助兰兹在艺术学生联盟的研究。卡夫卡还帮他在纽约找了一份出版社的零工。
合作最多的导演---- Paul J. Smith---- 合作作品(151):《The Genie with the Light Touch》《Pecking Holes in Poles》《Moochin' Pooch》《The Bungling Builder》《Kitty from the City》《Sleepy Time Chimes》《Flim Flam Fountain》《Charlie's Golf Classic》《Charlie in Hot Water》《The Unhandy Man》《All Hams on Deck》《Chilly's Cold War》《Buster's Last Stand》《Hi-Rise Wise Guys》《Coo Coo Nuts》《Chilly's Ice Folly》《Wild Bill Hiccup》《Seal on the Loose》《Gooney's Goofy Landings》《A Gooney Is Born》《Gopher Broke》《Cool It, Charlie》《Sleepy Time Bear》《Prehistoric Super Salesman》《Ship a-Hoy Woody》《Chilly and the Looney Gooney》《Tumble Weed Greed》《Project Reject》《Woody's Knightmare》《Paste Makes Waste》《Bugged in a Rug》《Jerky Turkey》《Highway Hecklers》《A Lad in Baghdad》《A Peck of Trouble》《Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin》《Fat in the Saddle》《Woody the Free-Loader》《Hook, Line, and Stinker》《Mouse in the House》《Chiller Dillers》《Chilly Chums》《Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker》《Chilly and the Woodchopper》《Hot Time on Ice》《The Nautical Nut》《Vicious Viking》《Have Gun - Can't Travel》《Window Pains》《Sissy Sheriff》《Monster of Ceremonies》《Practical Yolk》《South Pole Pals》《Astronut Woody》《Woody and the Beanstalk》《Lonesome Ranger》《Foot Brawl》《What's Peckin'》《Davey Cricket》《Janie Get Your Gun》《Canned Dog Feud》《Woodpecker Wanted》《Case of the Elephant's Trunk》《Roamin' Roman》《Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle》《Freeway Fracas》《Rah Rah Ruckus》《Saddle-Sore Woody》《Goose Is Wild》《Goose in the Rough》《Case of the Cold Storage Yegg》《Charlie's Mother-in-Law》《Calling Dr. Woodpecker》《Crowin' Pains》《Short in the Saddle》《Little Woody Riding Hood》《Careless Caretaker》《Phoney Express》《Room and Bored》《Robin Hoody Woody》《Home Sweet Home Wrecker》《Phantom of the Horse Opera》《Sufferin' Cats》《St. Moritz Blitz》《The Bird Who Came to Dinner》《Fowled Up Falcon》《Ozark Lark》《Fish Hooked》《Bats in the Belfry》《How to Stuff a Woodpecker》《Pistol Packin' Woodpecker》《Heap Big Hepcat》《Kiddie League》《Romp in a Swamp》《The Tee Bird》《Log Jammed》《雄猫格斗》《Truant Student》《Jittery Jester》《Three-Ring Fling》《Tree's a Crowd》《Everglade Raid》《Half Empty Saddles》《His Better Elf》《Misguided Missile》《粉红鲸》《Fodder and Son》《啄木鸟伍迪》《Round Trip to Mars》《International Woodpecker》《The Unbearable Salesman》《Box Car Bandit》《红骑强盗》《Arts and Flowers》《Niagara Fools》《Calling All Cuckoos》《Chief Charlie Horse》《迷路》《Square Shootin' Square》《Bedtime Bedlam》《Private Eye Pooch》《Witch Crafty》《Helter Shelter》《Real Gone Woody》《Pig in a Pickle》《Hot Rod Huckster》《A Horse's Tale》《Chilly Willy》《Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure》《The Flying Turtle》《The Mouse and the Lion》《The Dog That Cried Wolf》《Let Charlie Do It》《The Rude Intruder》《Show Biz Beagle》《Unlucky Potluck》《Polar Fright》《For the Love of Pizza》《Gold Diggin' Woodpecker》《Rain Rain, Go Away》《Indian Corn》《Chili Con Corny》《The Reluctant Recruit》《How to Trap a Woodpecker》《Bunco Busters》《Little Skeeter》《Shanghai Woody》《Chilly's Hide-a-Way》《The Snoozin' Bruin'》《Airlift a la Carte》《Woody's Magic Touch》----
合作最多的男演员---- 道斯·巴特勒(Daws Butler)---- 合作作品(69):《Pecking Holes in Poles》《Kitty from the City》《Sleepy Time Chimes》《Chilly's Cold War》《Buster's Last Stand》《Coo Coo Nuts》《Chilly's Ice Folly》《Gooney's Goofy Landings》《A Gooney Is Born》《Sleepy Time Bear》《Prehistoric Super Salesman》《Highway Hecklers》《Hook, Line, and Stinker》《Chiller Dillers》《Chilly and the Woodchopper》《Hot Time on Ice》《The Nautical Nut》《Vicious Viking》《South Pole Pals》《Operation Shanghai》《Pesty Guest》《Sioux Me》《Half Baked Alaska》《Fractured Friendship》《Deep Freeze Squeeze》《Coy Decoy》《Salmon Loafer》《Crowin' Pains》《Little Woody Riding Hood》《Careless Caretaker》《Rocket Racket》《Fowled-Up Birthday》《Voo-Doo Boo-Boo》《Franken-Stymied》《St. Moritz Blitz》《Romp in a Swamp》《Yukon Have It》《Truant Student》《Little Televillain》《Three-Ring Fling》《Tree's a Crowd》《A Chilly Reception》《Everglade Raid》《Polar Pest》《Watch the Birdie》《Fodder and Son》《The Big Snooze》《啄木鸟伍迪》《To Catch a Woodpecker》《International Woodpecker》《The Unbearable Salesman》《Operation Cold Feet》《Room and Wrath》《The Ostrich Egg and I》《The Tree Medic》《Sh-h-h-h-h-h》《The Legend of Rockabye Point》《Crazy Mixed Up Pup》《I'm Cold》《Convict Concerto》《Under the Counter Spy》《Chilly Willy》《Little Skeeter》《Polar Fright》《Airlift a la Carte》《The Reluctant Recruit》《Chilly's Hide-a-Way》《Hot and Cold Penguin》《Shanghai Woody》----
合作两次以上的影人TOP10---- Grace Stafford---- 合作作品(187):《Pecking Holes in Poles》《The Genie with the Light Touch》《The Bungling Builder》《Kitty from the City》《Moochin' Pooch》《Sleepy Time Chimes》《Flim Flam Fountain》《Charlie's Golf Classic》《Charlie in Hot Water》《The Unhandy Man》《All Hams on Deck》《Buster's Last Stand》《Hi-Rise Wise Guys》《Coo Coo Nuts》《Wild Bill Hiccup》《Seal on the Loose》《Cool It, Charlie》《Gopher Broke》《Prehistoric Super Salesman》《Ship a-Hoy Woody》《Tumble Weed Greed》《Woody's Knightmare》《Jerky Turkey》《Paste Makes Waste》《Bugged in a Rug》《Highway Hecklers》《A Lad in Baghdad》《A Peck of Trouble》《Fat in the Saddle》《Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin》《Woody the Free-Loader》《Hook, Line, and Stinker》《Mouse in the House》《Chilly Chums》《Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker》《The Nautical Nut》《Have Gun - Can't Travel》《Window Pains》《Sissy Sheriff》《Monster of Ceremonies》《Practical Yolk》《South Pole Pals》《Astronut Woody》《Woody and the Beanstalk》《Lonesome Ranger》《Foot Brawl》《Rough Riding Hood》《What's Peckin'》《Davey Cricket》《Sioux Me》《Janie Get Your Gun》《Canned Dog Feud》《Woodpecker Wanted》《Three Little Woodpeckers》《Roamin' Roman》《Get Lost! Little Doggy》《Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle》《Woody's Clip Joint》《Freeway Fracas》《Rah Rah Ruckus》《Saddle-Sore Woody》《Dumb Like a Fox》《Goose Is Wild》《Tepee for Two》《The Tenant's Racket》《Coy Decoy》《Charlie's Mother-in-Law》《Stowaway Woody》《Calling Dr. Woodpecker》《Crowin' Pains》《Short in the Saddle》《Little Woody Riding Hood》《Careless Caretaker》《Rocket Racket》《Fowled-Up Birthday》《Room and Bored》《Robin Hoody Woody》《Home Sweet Home Wrecker》《Rock-a-Bye Gator》《Woody's Kook-Out》《Phantom of the Horse Opera》《Voo-Doo Boo-Boo》《Franken-Stymied》《Sufferin' Cats》《Gabby's Diner》《The Bird Who Came to Dinner》《Poop Deck Pirate》《Fowled Up Falcon》《Southern Fried Hospitality》《Ozark Lark》《Bats in the Belfry》《How to Stuff a Woodpecker》《Pistol Packin' Woodpecker》《Billion Dollar Boner》《Heap Big Hepcat》《Ballyhooey》《Kiddie League》《Romp in a Swamp》《The Tee Bird》《Woodpecker in the Moon》《Panhandle Scandal》《Log Jammed》《雄猫格斗》《The Bongo Punch》《Little Televillain》《Jittery Jester》《Tree's a Crowd》《Everglade Raid》《Half Empty Saddles》《His Better Elf》《Misguided Missile》《粉红鲸》《Fodder and Son》《啄木鸟伍迪》《Round Trip to Mars》《To Catch a Woodpecker》《International Woodpecker》《The Unbearable Salesman》《Box Car Bandit》《红骑强盗》《Arts and Flowers》《Woody Meets Davy Crewcut》《Niagara Fools》《Calling All Cuckoos》《Room and Wrath》《Chief Charlie Horse》《The Ostrich Egg and I》《迷路》《The Tree Medic》《Square Shootin' Square》《Flea for Two》《Bedtime Bedlam》《Private Eye Pooch》《Witch Crafty》《Crazy Mixed Up Pup》《Helter Shelter》《Convict Concerto》《A Fine Feathered Frenzy》《Real Gone Woody》《Pig in a Pickle》《Broadway Bow Wow's》《Hot Rod Huckster》《Under the Counter Spy》《Alley to Bali》《Socko in Morocco》《Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure》《Belle Boys》《Hypnotic Hick》《Wrestling Wrecks》《Operation Sawdust》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《What's Sweepin'》《Termites from Mars》《The Great Who-Dood-It》《Scalp Treatment》《Woodpecker in the Rough》《Stage Hoax》《Born to Peck》《Destination Meat Ball》《The Woody Woodpecker Polka》《The Redwood Sap》《Slingshot 6-7/8》《Wicket Wacky》《Sleep Happy》《Puny Express》《Scrappy Birthday》《Kiddie Koncert》《煎鱼喽》《Meatless Tuesday》《Little Skeeter》《The Reluctant Recruit》《Let Charlie Do It》《For the Love of Pizza》《Gold Diggin' Woodpecker》《Indian Corn》《Woody's Magic Touch》《Show Biz Beagle》《Unlucky Potluck》《Mother Goose on the Loose》《How to Trap a Woodpecker》《Hot and Cold Penguin》《Bunco Busters》《Chili Con Corny》《Rain Rain, Go Away》《Shanghai Woody》《The Snoozin' Bruin'》----
Clarence Wheeler---- 合作作品(119):《The Nautical Nut》《Have Gun - Can't Travel》《Sissy Sheriff》《Monster of Ceremonies》《Rough Riding Hood》《What's Peckin'》《Sioux Me》《Canned Dog Feud》《Woodpecker Wanted》《Roamin' Roman》《Get Lost! Little Doggy》《Freeway Fracas》《Deep Freeze Squeeze》《Tepee for Two》《Coy Decoy》《Stowaway Woody》《Calling Dr. Woodpecker》《Crowin' Pains》《Short in the Saddle》《Little Woody Riding Hood》《Rocket Racket》《Room and Bored》《Robin Hoody Woody》《Home Sweet Home Wrecker》《Phantom of the Horse Opera》《Franken-Stymied》《St. Moritz Blitz》《The Bird Who Came to Dinner》《Fowled Up Falcon》《Hunger Strife》《Bats in the Belfry》《How to Stuff a Woodpecker》《Pistol Packin' Woodpecker》《Ballyhooey》《Romp in a Swamp》《The Tee Bird》《Woodpecker in the Moon》《Log Jammed》《Yukon Have It》《雄猫格斗》《Truant Student》《The Bongo Punch》《Little Televillain》《Jittery Jester》《Three-Ring Fling》《Tree's a Crowd》《A Chilly Reception》《Everglade Raid》《Half Empty Saddles》《His Better Elf》《Polar Pest》《Watch the Birdie》《Misguided Missile》《粉红鲸》《Fodder and Son》《The Big Snooze》《Round Trip to Mars》《To Catch a Woodpecker》《International Woodpecker》《The Unbearable Salesman》《Box Car Bandit》《红骑强盗》《Operation Cold Feet》《Arts and Flowers》《Woody Meets Davy Crewcut》《Niagara Fools》《Calling All Cuckoos》《Room and Wrath》《Chief Charlie Horse》《迷路》《The Tree Medic》《Square Shootin' Square》《Flea for Two》《Bedtime Bedlam》《Sh-h-h-h-h-h》《Private Eye Pooch》《The Legend of Rockabye Point》《Witch Crafty》《Crazy Mixed Up Pup》《Helter Shelter》《I'm Cold》《Convict Concerto》《A Fine Feathered Frenzy》《Real Gone Woody》《Pig in a Pickle》《Broadway Bow Wow's》《Hot Rod Huckster》《Under the Counter Spy》《Dig That Dog》《Alley to Bali》《A Horse's Tale》《Socko in Morocco》《Chilly Willy》《Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure》《Belle Boys》《Hypnotic Hick》《Wrestling Wrecks》《The Flying Turtle》《Operation Sawdust》《The Mouse and the Lion》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《The Dog That Cried Wolf》《What's Sweepin'》《Termites from Mars》《The Great Who-Dood-It》《Scalp Treatment》《Woodpecker in the Rough》《Stage Hoax》《Born to Peck》《Destination Meat Ball》《The Woody Woodpecker Polka》《The Redwood Sap》《Slingshot 6-7/8》《Wicket Wacky》《Sleep Happy》《Puny Express》《Bunco Busters》《Hot and Cold Penguin》----
Walter Greene---- 合作作品(76):《The Genie with the Light Touch》《Pecking Holes in Poles》《Kitty from the City》《Moochin' Pooch》《The Bungling Builder》《Sleepy Time Chimes》《Flim Flam Fountain》《Charlie's Golf Classic》《The Unhandy Man》《Charlie in Hot Water》《All Hams on Deck》《Chilly's Cold War》《Buster's Last Stand》《Hi-Rise Wise Guys》《Coo Coo Nuts》《Chilly's Ice Folly》《Wild Bill Hiccup》《Seal on the Loose》《Gooney's Goofy Landings》《A Gooney Is Born》《Cool It, Charlie》《Gopher Broke》《Sleepy Time Bear》《Prehistoric Super Salesman》《Ship a-Hoy Woody》《Chilly and the Looney Gooney》《Tumble Weed Greed》《Project Reject》《Jerky Turkey》《Highway Hecklers》《Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin》《Hook, Line, and Stinker》《Mouse in the House》《Chiller Dillers》《Chilly Chums》《Chilly and the Woodchopper》《Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker》《Hot Time on Ice》《Vicious Viking》《Window Pains》《Practical Yolk》《South Pole Pals》《Astronut Woody》《Lonesome Ranger》《Foot Brawl》《Operation Shanghai》《Davey Cricket》《Pesty Guest》《Half Baked Alaska》《Fractured Friendship》《Case of the Elephant's Trunk》《Three Little Woodpeckers》《Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle》《Dumb Like a Fox》《The Tenant's Racket》《Goose in the Rough》《Salmon Loafer》《Shanghai Woody》《Chili Con Corny》《The Reluctant Recruit》《How to Trap a Woodpecker》《Little Skeeter》《Woody's Magic Touch》《Chilly's Hide-a-Way》《Airlift a la Carte》《The Snoozin' Bruin'》《For the Love of Pizza》《Let Charlie Do It》《Show Biz Beagle》《Lighthouse-keeping Blues》《Polar Fright》《Gold Diggin' Woodpecker》《The Rude Intruder》《Rain Rain, Go Away》《Unlucky Potluck》《Indian Corn》----
Darrell Calker---- 合作作品(75):《Rah Rah Ruckus》《Goose Is Wild》《Case of the Cold Storage Yegg》《Charlie's Mother-in-Law》《Corny Concerto》《Careless Caretaker》《Phoney Express》《Fowled-Up Birthday》《Woody's Kook-Out》《Voo-Doo Boo-Boo》《Drooler's Delight》《Scrappy Birthday》《Wild and Woody!》《Dog Tax Dodgers》《The Playful Pelican》《Wet Blanket Policy》《Wacky-Bye Baby》《Banquet Busters》《The Bandmaster》《The Mad Hatter》《Solid Ivory》《Well Oiled》《Woody the Giant Killer》《The Coo Coo Bird》《Smoked Hams》《The Wacky Weed》《Fair Weather Fiends》《The Reckless Driver》《Bathing Buddies》《Who's Cookin Who?》《Mousie Come Home》《Apple Andy》《诗人和农夫》《The Loose Nut》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《Crow Crazy》《伍迪外出就餐》《Sliphorn King of Polaroo》《Chew-Chew Baby》《The Pied Piper of Basin Street》《The Painter and the Pointer》《Ski for Two》《The Beach Nut》《Abou Ben Boogie》《煎鱼喽》《Jungle Jive》《The Barber of Seville》《The Greatest Man in Siam》《Meatless Tuesday》《Pass the Biscuits Mirandy!》《Ration Bored》《萌萌杂技演员》《Swing Your Partner》《The Egg Cracker Suite》《怪人》《Cow-Cow Boogie》《The Loan Stranger》《Juke Box Jamboree》《Ace in the Hole》《Good-Bye Mr. Moth》《The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured》《The Hollywood Matador》《$21 a Day - (Once a Month)》《Pantry Panic》《Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company 'B'》《The Screwdriver》《Andy Panda's Pop》《Woody Woodpecker》《Dizzy Kitty》《Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat》《Fair Today》《Take Heed Mr. Tojo》《Mother Goose on the Loose》----
Ben Hardaway---- 合作作品(75):《啄木鸟伍迪》《Destination Meat Ball》《The Redwood Sap》《Sleep Happy》《Puny Express》《Drooler's Delight》《Scrappy Birthday》《Wild and Woody!》《Dog Tax Dodgers》《The Playful Pelican》《Pixie Picnic》《Wet Blanket Policy》《Wacky-Bye Baby》《Kiddie Koncert》《Banquet Busters》《The Bandmaster》《The Mad Hatter》《Solid Ivory》《Well Oiled》《Woody the Giant Killer》《The Overture to 'William Tell'》《The Coo Coo Bird》《Smoked Hams》《The Wacky Weed》《Fair Weather Fiends》《The Reckless Driver》《Bathing Buddies》《Who's Cookin Who?》《Mousie Come Home》《Apple Andy》《肖邦音乐时光》《诗人和农夫》《The Loose Nut》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《Crow Crazy》《伍迪外出就餐》《Sliphorn King of Polaroo》《Chew-Chew Baby》《The Pied Piper of Basin Street》《The Painter and the Pointer》《Ski for Two》《The Beach Nut》《Abou Ben Boogie》《煎鱼喽》《Jungle Jive》《The Barber of Seville》《The Greatest Man in Siam》《Meatless Tuesday》《Pass the Biscuits Mirandy!》《Ration Bored》《萌萌杂技演员》《Swing Your Partner》《The Egg Cracker Suite》《怪人》《Cow-Cow Boogie》《The Loan Stranger》《Juke Box Jamboree》《Ace in the Hole》《Good-Bye Mr. Moth》《The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured》《The Hollywood Matador》《$21 a Day - (Once a Month)》《Pantry Panic》《Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company 'B'》《The Screwdriver》《Andy Panda's Pop》《Woody Woodpecker》《Dizzy Kitty》《Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat》《Fair Today》《Syncopated Sioux》《Knock Knock》《Mother Goose on the Loose》----
Homer Brightman---- 合作作品(70):《Sleepy Time Bear》《Prehistoric Super Salesman》《Ship a-Hoy Woody》《Chilly and the Looney Gooney》《Tumble Weed Greed》《Project Reject》《Highway Hecklers》《Chiller Dillers》《Chilly Chums》《South Pole Pals》《Operation Shanghai》《Pesty Guest》《Sioux Me》《Deep Freeze Squeeze》《Dumb Like a Fox》《Franken-Stymied》《St. Moritz Blitz》《Clash and Carry》《Gabby's Diner》《The Bird Who Came to Dinner》《Poop Deck Pirate》《Fowled Up Falcon》《Fish Hooked》《Bats in the Belfry》《Billion Dollar Boner》《Ballyhooey》《Romp in a Swamp》《The Tee Bird》《Log Jammed》《Yukon Have It》《雄猫格斗》《Truant Student》《Little Televillain》《Jittery Jester》《Three-Ring Fling》《Tree's a Crowd》《A Chilly Reception》《Everglade Raid》《His Better Elf》《Watch the Birdie》《Misguided Missile》《粉红鲸》《Fodder and Son》《The Big Snooze》《啄木鸟伍迪》《To Catch a Woodpecker》《Box Car Bandit》《Operation Cold Feet》《Arts and Flowers》《Room and Wrath》《The Ostrich Egg and I》《The Tree Medic》《Bedtime Bedlam》《Private Eye Pooch》《Witch Crafty》《I'm Cold》《A Fine Feathered Frenzy》《Hot Rod Huckster》《Under the Counter Spy》《Alley to Bali》《Socko in Morocco》《Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure》《Belle Boys》《Hypnotic Hick》《Operation Sawdust》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《The Great Who-Dood-It》《Lighthouse-keeping Blues》《Little Skeeter》----
Charles Farrington---- 合作作品(53):《The Genie with the Light Touch》《Flim Flam Fountain》《All Hams on Deck》《Hi-Rise Wise Guys》《Wild Bill Hiccup》《Ship a-Hoy Woody》《Tumble Weed Greed》《Have Gun - Can't Travel》《Sissy Sheriff》《Lonesome Ranger》《Canned Dog Feud》《Case of the Elephant's Trunk》《Case of the Cold Storage Yegg》《Phoney Express》《Doc's Last Stand》《Eggnapper》《Hunger Strife》《Pistol Packin' Woodpecker》《Billion Dollar Boner》《Ballyhooey》《Kiddie League》《Woodpecker in the Moon》《Half Empty Saddles》《His Better Elf》《Round Trip to Mars》《Box Car Bandit》《Arts and Flowers》《Flea for Two》《The Legend of Rockabye Point》《Crazy Mixed Up Pup》《Convict Concerto》《Real Gone Woody》《Pig in a Pickle》《Hot Rod Huckster》《Alley to Bali》《Socko in Morocco》《Chilly Willy》《Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure》《Belle Boys》《Hypnotic Hick》《Wrestling Wrecks》《Operation Sawdust》《The Mouse and the Lion》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《Buccaneer Woodpecker》《What's Sweepin'》《Termites from Mars》《Woodpecker in the Rough》《The Woody Woodpecker Polka》《Show Biz Beagle》《Bunco Busters》《Gold Diggin' Woodpecker》《Indian Corn》----
Mel Blanc---- 合作作品(49):《啄木鸟伍迪》《Scalp Treatment》《Woodpecker in the Rough》《Stage Hoax》《Born to Peck》《Destination Meat Ball》《The Woody Woodpecker Polka》《The Redwood Sap》《Slingshot 6-7/8》《Wicket Wacky》《Sleep Happy》《Puny Express》《Drooler's Delight》《Wild and Woody!》《Wet Blanket Policy》《Wacky-Bye Baby》《The Mad Hatter》《Solid Ivory》《Well Oiled》《Woody the Giant Killer》《The Coo Coo Bird》《Smoked Hams》《Fair Weather Fiends》《The Reckless Driver》《Bathing Buddies》《Who's Cookin Who?》《The Loose Nut》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《Chew-Chew Baby》《Ski for Two》《The Beach Nut》《The Barber of Seville》《Ration Bored》《萌萌杂技演员》《怪人》《The Loan Stranger》《Ace in the Hole》《The Hollywood Matador》《Pantry Panic》《The Screwdriver》《Andy Panda's Pop》《Woody Woodpecker》《Dizzy Kitty》《Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat》《Fair Today》《Knock Knock》《Mother Goose on the Loose》----
Milt Schaffer---- 合作作品(45):《啄木鸟伍迪》《红骑强盗》《Niagara Fools》《Solid Ivory》《Well Oiled》《The Overture to 'William Tell'》《The Coo Coo Bird》《Smoked Hams》《The Wacky Weed》《Fair Weather Fiends》《The Reckless Driver》《Bathing Buddies》《Who's Cookin Who?》《Mousie Come Home》《Apple Andy》《肖邦音乐时光》《诗人和农夫》《The Loose Nut》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《The Dippy Diplomat》《Crow Crazy》《伍迪外出就餐》《Sliphorn King of Polaroo》《Chew-Chew Baby》《The Pied Piper of Basin Street》《The Painter and the Pointer》《Ski for Two》《The Beach Nut》《Abou Ben Boogie》《煎鱼喽》《Jungle Jive》《The Barber of Seville》《The Greatest Man in Siam》《Meatless Tuesday》《Pass the Biscuits Mirandy!》《Ration Bored》《萌萌杂技演员》《Swing Your Partner》《The Egg Cracker Suite》《怪人》《Cow-Cow Boogie》《The Loan Stranger》《Ace in the Hole》《Bunco Busters》----
James Dietrich---- 合作作品(41):《The Steel Workers》《House of Magic》《Puppet Show》《Beach Combers》《柔力球》《Fox and the Rabbit》《Three Lazy Mice》《Towne Hall Follies》《Spring in the Park》《Jolly Little Elves》《The Dizzy Dwarf》《Chris Columbus, Jr.》《William Tell》《The Ginger Bread Boy》《Wolf! Wolf!》《The Merry Old Soul》《Five and Dime》《King Klunk》《Confidence》《The Shriek》《The Plumber》《The Butcher Boy》《The Busy Barber》《A Wet Knight》《Mechanical Man》《Kentucky Belles》《The Bandmaster》《The Farmer》《China》《Alaska》《Africa》《The Navy》《The Fowl Ball》《The Singing Sap》《Cold Feet》《Snappy Salesman》《Henpecked》《Spooks》《Not So Quiet》《My Pal Paul》《Hells Heels》----